Healthy New Jersey

Healthy New Jersey

Healthy New Jersey Advisory Council 2021 Recruitment

Phase II team member recruitment is now closed.  Thank you for your interest.

The Healthy New Jersey 2030 Advisory Council (HNJAC) is seeking new members to continue the development of the Healthy New Jersey 2030 (HNJ2030) initiative. 

The HNJAC serves as a critical statewide champion of the HNJ2030 initiative and provides input into the strategy, structure, and future direction of this 10-year health improvement project.  As external stakeholders from community- and faith-based organizations, academia, health care, and other sectors, HNJAC members bring valuable professional and technical expertise, diverse knowledge of public perspectives, and connections to local and statewide resources, colleagues, and peers.

Application deadline:  September 30, 2021

Applications will be reviewed by continuing members of the HNJAC and the HNJ2030 Coordinating Committee at the New Jersey Department of Health.  If it is determined that you are a good fit for the HNJAC, you will be contacted for an interview.  If selected, your term will begin in November 2021.

Being a member of the HNJAC is a rewarding experience that gives individuals the opportunity to advise, build consensus, and make recommendations to policymakers.  Thank you for your interest in the HNJAC and for taking the time to submit an application for membership.

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